I have chirps daily rainfall data. totally 4262 data from 2008 to 2019.
i would like to create a rasterbrick that each raster should take a name for example chirps.1 chirps.2 chirps.3 up to chirps.4262.
could any one help me with the code?
i used the bellow code.
setwd("D:\Time Series\chirps\CDRR")
prsnncdr.fname<-list.files(path=getwd(), pattern="tif$")
st<- stack(prsnncdr.fname)
writeRaster(st, filename='FileNAme.grd', format="raster", overwrite=TRUE,options=c("INTERLEAVE=BAND","COMPRESS=LZW"))
now for giving each band a new name i created a datafram. with two column "Date" and "name2" in column name2 i PERSIANNcdr5km.1 up to PERSIANNcdr5km.4262
fnames<- paste0("Date", names(name2), format= ".tif")
and i am getting an error as bellow.
Error in paste0("Date", names(name2), format = ".tif") :
object 'name2' not found