How to pass parameter values?


I would like to have dimensions of the 'pattern' adapted to the m and n values, but I don't know how to pass 'input$m' and 'input$n' to 'checkboxes'. Because of that I have set them to the maximum (6).

However, 'grid' is adapted to dimensions, reflecting the selection of cells within the bounds of 'input$m and 'input$n'. In this case both parameters are inside a function ('renderImage()'), unlike 'pattern'.

Another solution could be a sensible 'grid'. That is to say, the capacity to select cells on 'grid' instead of 'pattern'.

Can you help me? Thank you.




ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("(m,n)-rectangular grid"),
fluidRow(column(8, radioGroupButtons(inputId = "m", label = "Number of rows (m)",
choices = as.character(1:6), selected = "3", status = "info", individual = TRUE))),

             fluidRow(column(8, radioGroupButtons(inputId = "n", label = "Number of colums (n)",
                                    choices = as.character(1:6), selected = "4", status = "info", individual = TRUE))),

               HTML("<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Pattern</b> (select some cells)</p>") ),
             fluidRow(column(8, DT::dataTableOutput(outputId = "pattern"))) 
),   # sidebarPanel

mainPanel("Grid", imageOutput(outputId = "grid"))

) # sidebarLayout
) # fluidPage

server <- function(input, output, session) {
proxy <- dataTableProxy('pattern')

nrow <- as.integer(input$m)

ncol <- as.integer(input$n)

nrow <- 6
ncol <- 6

checkboxes <-, nrow*ncol), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol,
dimnames = list(paste("m", 1:nrow, sep = ""),
paste("n", 1:ncol, sep = ""))))

tableData = reactiveValues(checkboxes = checkboxes)

observeEvent(req(input$pattern_cells_selected), {
tableData$checkboxes[input$pattern_cells_selected] =
"*", NA)
replaceData(proxy = proxy, data = tableData$checkboxes)
}) # observeEvent

output$pattern <- DT::renderDataTable({ checkboxes },
selection = list(mode = "single", target = 'cell'),
options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all")),
dom = "t", ordering = FALSE),
escape = FALSE
) # renderDataTable

output$grid <- renderImage({
nrow <- as.integer(input$m)
ncol <- as.integer(input$n)
pattern <- matrix(rep(0, nrow*ncol), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)

for(row in 1:nrow) for(col in 1:ncol)
  ifelse(tableData$checkboxes[row,col] == "*", pattern[row, col] <- 1, 0)
pattern <- pattern[nrow(pattern):1,]
pattern <- t(pattern)
palette <- c("yellow", "black")
outfile <- tempfile(fileext = '.png')
w <- 800
h <- nrow/ncol*w
png(outfile, width = w, height = h)
image(pattern, col = palette, axes = FALSE)     
list(src = outfile)

}, deleteFile = TRUE) # renderImage

} # server

shinyApp(ui, server)

Welcome to the community @yosu! Below is the code you provided with a few updates. First, nrow, ncol, and checkboxes were all turned into reactives in order to pass these parameters. Then, an observe() was added in order to update tableData. Finally, I updated how pattern was created within output$grid. I couldn't get the two for() statements to work so I commented it out. I hope this achieves your desired output.



ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("(m,n)-rectangular grid"),
      fluidRow(column(8, radioGroupButtons(inputId = "m", label = "Number of rows (m)",
                                           choices = as.character(1:6), selected = "3", status = "info", individual = TRUE))),
      fluidRow(column(8, radioGroupButtons(inputId = "n", label = "Number of colums (n)",
                                           choices = as.character(1:6), selected = "4", status = "info", individual = TRUE))),
        HTML("<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>Pattern</b> (select some cells)</p>") ),
      fluidRow(column(8, DT::dataTableOutput(outputId = "pattern"))) 
    ),   # sidebarPanel
    mainPanel("Grid", imageOutput(outputId = "grid"))
  ) # sidebarLayout
) # fluidPage

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  proxy <- dataTableProxy('pattern')
  nrow <- reactive({as.integer(input$m)})
  ncol <- reactive({as.integer(input$n)})
  checkboxes <- reactive({, nrow()*ncol()), nrow = nrow(), ncol = ncol(),
                         dimnames = list(paste("m", 1:nrow(), sep = ""),
                                         paste("n", 1:ncol(), sep = ""))))
  observe({tableData$checkboxes <<- checkboxes()})
  tableData = reactiveValues(checkboxes = NULL)
  observeEvent(req(input$pattern_cells_selected), {
    tableData$checkboxes[input$pattern_cells_selected] =
             "*", NA)
    replaceData(proxy = proxy, data = tableData$checkboxes)
  }) # observeEvent
  output$pattern <- DT::renderDataTable({ checkboxes() },
                                        selection = list(mode = "single", target = 'cell'),
                                        options = list(columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-center', targets = "_all")),
                                                       dom = "t", ordering = FALSE),
                                        escape = FALSE
  ) # renderDataTable
  output$grid <- renderImage({
    pattern = tableData$checkboxes
    pattern[pattern == '*'] = 1
    pattern[] = 0
    pattern = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(pattern)), nrow = nrow(), ncol = ncol())
    # pattern <- matrix(rep(0, nrow()*ncol()), nrow = nrow(), ncol = ncol())
    # for(row in 1:nrow()) for(col in 1:ncol)
    #   ifelse(tableData$checkboxes[row,col] == "*", pattern[row, col] <- 1, 0)
    pattern <- pattern[base::nrow(pattern):1,]
    pattern <- t(pattern)
    palette <- c("yellow", "black")
    outfile <- tempfile(fileext = '.png')
    w <- 800
    h <- nrow()/ncol()*w
    png(outfile, width = w, height = h)
    image(pattern, col = palette, axes = FALSE)     
    list(src = outfile)
  }, deleteFile = TRUE) # renderImage
} # server

shinyApp(ui, server)

Thank you very much scottyd22

Thank you very much scottyd22

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