My work installation has OneDrive. So everything under Documents is being copied up to SharePoint.
That is not required for my non-base packages under Documents/R/win-library.
And results in huge activity when I upgrade R/packages.
So how do I change which folder is used please?
I have always accepted defaults at installation time, so I don't know where the location Documents/R/win-library/4.1 is configured for my current R.
I have seen there is a move packages function in installr ( copy.packages.between.libraries) which I assume will help me. But what else do I need to configure to move the packages to C\R for instance.
If they have been compiled under the same R version you are currently using there is no problem with doing that, if they haven't (like when you update R), you just need to run update.packages(checkBuilt = TRUE) afterwards.