I am using the tidycensus() package to obtain Census data on Illinois. I put geometry = TRUE. However, the geometry output is not a shapefile but a list of list of a vector. How do I either 1) map that in leaflet() or 2) convert it to something I can map in leaflet()? Thanks!
il <-
geography = "block",
variables = "P005002",
year = 2010,
state = "IL",
county = "Cook",
geometry = TRUE
#> Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
#> Downloading feature geometry from the Census website. To cache shapefiles for use in future sessions, set `options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)`.
leaflet(il) %>%
addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
#> Warning message:
sf layer has inconsistent datum (+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs).
Need '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'
You won't get a shapefile @shortessay - you will get an sf object instead:
> library(tidycensus)
> library(leaflet)
> ilPop <- get_acs(geography = "county", variables = "B01003_001", state = "IL", geometry = TRUE)
Getting data from the 2012-2016 5-year ACS
Downloading feature geometry from the Census website. To cache shapefiles for use in future sessions, set `options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)`.
Using FIPS code '17' for state 'IL'
> class(ilPop)
[1] "sf" "data.frame"
sf objects are a way of representing the data you would store in a shapefile. You can use the sf package to read and write shapefiles, and also manipulate their characteristics. The ilPop$geometry column contains all of the spatial data you need for plotting.
> leaflet(ilPop) %>%
+ addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
+ addPolygons()
Warning message:
sf layer has inconsistent datum (+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs).
Need '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84'
It should map even with the "inconsistent datum" since the data are in latitude-longitude (NAD 1983). If they were in a projected coordinate system, they would not map. If you are using RStudio, the map should appear in your Viewer tab.
FWIW, I tried running your get_decennial() call and got an error. Can you be a bit more specific about what does or does not happen when you run your leaflet pipeline?
The warning can be removed by doing what it recommends, and changing to a CRS in long/lat with a WGS84 datum, e.g. with sf::st_transform(4326). Using @chris.prener's example,
ilPop <- tidycensus::get_acs(
geography = "county",
variables = "B01003_001",
state = "IL",
geometry = TRUE,
key = keyring::key_get('census')
ilPop %>%
sf::st_transform(4326) %>%
leaflet() %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB") %>%
# logged color scale because otherwise every county besides Cook is the same
fillColor = ~colorNumeric("viridis", log(estimate))(log(estimate)),
stroke = FALSE
For more on sf, see the vignettes, which are pretty solid. For more on projections and geospatial data generally, see the excellent Geocomputation with R: