Hi, I am making a shiny app.
I want to install the package "shiny"
in another folder. For example in folder "C:/Documents/R_Libraries"
Then I want to load "shiny"
from that location.
I set the location with .libPaths()
. I installed the shiny package. A subfolder shows up like this filepath: "C:/Documents/R_Libraries/shiny"
I try to load the shiny
package with another script in a new and clear environment. But then it keeps asking me if I want to download "shiny"
. How is that possible? Here some code.
File 1:
File 2:
library("shiny",lib.loc = .libPaths()[1])
With other packages I do not have this problem.
I hope the solution is simple and thank you very much for helping me!
PS. the second script is run by another user. I am working on premises.