With a plain leaflet
map, we can use htmlwidgets::onRender()
in order to perform an action when the map finishes rendering.
When using leafletProxy()
to update a map, is there any way to know when the rendering of the update finished?
Here's an example shiny app, when you press the button it adds polygons. How can I get a callback when the rendering on the client side is complete?
polys <- st_sf(
geometry = st_sfc(
c(-101.744384765625, 39.32155002466662),
c(-101.5521240234375, 39.330048552942415),
c(-101.40380859375, 39.330048552942415),
c(-101.33239746093749, 39.364032338047984),
c(-101.041259765625, 39.36827914916011),
c(-100.975341796875, 39.30454987014581),
c(-101.0399169921875, 39.24501680713314),
c(-101.243896484375, 39.16414104768742),
c(-101.455078125, 39.11125631228113),
c(-101.737060546875, 39.13006024213511),
c(-101.77825927734375, 39.16839962520706),
c(-101.734619140625, 39.254884981213734),
c(-101.744384765625, 39.32155002466662)
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("go", "go")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
setView(-101, 39, 8)
observeEvent(input$go, {
leafletProxy("map") %>%
addPolygons(data = polys)
shinyApp(ui, server)