How to install caret package in R version 3.6.3

I try to install the package "caret" inside the R software version 3.6.3. I used the follow script:

R_code<- install.packages ('caret',dependencies=c('Depends','Suggests')

Inside the Console, appeared this message: " Installing package into "C:/......" (as. 'lib' is unspecified). Warning in istall.packages: dependencies 'fastICA', 'randomForest' are not available. Also installing the dependencies 'modeldata', 'themis'. Appear the question "Do you want to install from sources the package which need compilation?" I choose Yes. If after the instalaltion I run the library caret, the load failed. I did not understand where is the problem.

The latest versions of these package dependencies are not available for your R version, either update R or install an older version of caret.

An easy way to install old versions of a package while including its dependencies is using the RStudio Package Manager where you can get the packages that were available at a particular date. R 3.6.3 came around 2020-02-29

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