I have a CSV file need to draw a graph.
The graph contains nodes and edges.
Therefore, I used the following code to do it.
start.time <- Sys.time()
#Loading Packages
#import data
df = read.csv('../../Pre_Draw_Graph_for_R.csv', header = TRUE, encoding = 'UTF-8')
#Creating an iGraph Style Edge List
df_Edge_List <- df
#Creating Graph
df_graph = graph.data.frame(df_Edge_List, directed = TRUE)
#df Network: First Try
#Layout Options
layout1 <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(df_graph)
#Node or vertex Options: Color
V(df_graph)$color <- "yellow"
V(df_graph)[degree(df_graph, mode = "in") > 500]$color <- "red"
#Edge Options: Size
E(df_graph)$color <- "grey"
plot(df_graph, vertex.label=NA)
end.time <- Sys.time()
time.taken <- end.time - start.time
I can output the following result, but the result has some problems. It shows that every node is very crowded.
I hope to increase the graph distance, but I used a lot of methods already. I cannot fix the problem. I hope to get the following result, but I cannot do it now. I want to make it clear to see the graph.
Can anyone help me? Thanks