How to implement a progress bar?

Hello everyone, I have a Shiny App like that:

The process flow is:

  1. Filter some of the portfolio, sub-portfolio or product values.
  2. Select "Apply filters". When you press this button, then the table and a button to do the calculation are displayed.
  3. Press "Run" and the code will be executed and the result will be displayed on the output tab.

This calculation takes about 30 seconds, however, the user does not know what is happening. I would like to show a progress bar on the output tab that shows that progress and ends when the table is displayed.


I had a look at the following website to find a quite helpful answer to that question I asked myself some weeks ago.

Hope it will help you as much as it did for me!




Thank you! I was running into some similar issues as well. This link should help quite a bit.

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Hi @Maxime_deb, I'll check the link and develop my solution. I've already reviewed a bit and it seems fantastic how they explain the procedure. Thanks for your support

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