I understand there is some similiar thread related to my issue, like how to Pass reactive() data frame into reactiveValues(), but I tried, it does not work.
Basically, I need to update a certain row at a certain column (or you can say certain cell) in a dataframe, when the user clicks a button. The DataTable gets its values from this dataframe. I can see that the cell gets updated in its dataframe (inside RStudio), because when the user clicks the button, I make a statement to save that dataframe. But I need that updated values to be reflected inside my DataTable in the Shiny application too.
DailyReport_Updated <- reactive({
# init the values
DailyReportUpdated <- DailyReport_Updated()
RV <- reactiveValues(
#DailyReportUpdated = NULL,
data = DailyReportUpdated
# set RV$data whenever DailyReport_Updated updates
RV$data <- DailyReport_Updated()
output$DailyReport_table <- renderDataTable(RV$data,server=TRUE,selection="single")
output$AddtoReport_Save <- renderUI({
bsModal("modalSave_AddReport", "Save Report", "save_tmp_Report", size = "small",wellPanel(
h3('Are you sure you want to Add Report?'),
actionButton("save_AddReport", "Save"),
actionButton("cancel_AddReport", "Cancel")
actionButton('save_tmp_Report','Add Report')
rownumber <- input$DailyReport_table_rows_selected[length(input$DailyReport_table_rows_selected)]
DailyReportUpdated <- DailyReport_Updated()
DailyReportUpdated <- remove.factors(DailyReportUpdated)
DailyReportUpdated[rownumber,2] <- "Draft"
DailyReportUpdated[rownumber,3] <- "View"