I am trying to filter out the images where image_variance > 0.008 and get the the names of these images in a list. The code I have only gives "NA" values for all the images
Folder <- "" #write the path to folder
images <- list.files(path = Folder, pattern = "*.JPG", full.names = TRUE)
image_variance <- images %>% map(function(x)
im <- load.image(x)
im %>%
resize(round(width(.)/10), round(height(.)/10)) %>%
imsub(y<187) %>%
as.data.frame(.) %>%
mutate(channel=factor(cc,labels=c('R','G','B'))) %>%
select(x,y, channel, value) %>%
spread(channel, value) %>%
mutate(new = R*0.2126+G*0.7152+B*0.0722) %>%
summarise(var = var(new))
snow_coverimgs <- list.filter(images, image_variance > 0.008)
I don't think rlist gives you any benefits here.
I simplified your map function to return a simple vector of the variances, along with the simple vector of your image names, thats all you need to make a trivial dataframe/tibble to access in the normal ways.
image_variance <- images %>% map_dbl(function(x)
im <- load.image(x)
im %>%
resize(round(width(.)/10), round(height(.)/10)) %>%
imsub(y<187) %>%
as.data.frame(.) %>%
mutate(channel=factor(cc,labels=c('R','G','B'))) %>%
select(x,y, channel, value) %>%
spread(channel, value) %>%
mutate(new = R*0.2126+G*0.7152+B*0.0722) %>%
summarise(var = var(new)) %>% pull(var)
(images_info <- tibble(images=images,
(snow_coverimgs <- filter(images_info, image_variance > 0.008))
Thank you so much.
It works exactly how I wanted.
January 31, 2021, 3:24pm
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