I am using sirt package , my code is as following
estimate the Rasch model
mod <- sirt::rasch.mml2(data.read)
estmate WLE
mod.wle <- sirt::wle.rasch( dat=data.read, b=mod$item$b )
Yen's Q3 statistic
mod.q3 <- sirt::Q3( dat=data.read, theta=mod.wle$theta, b=mod$item$b )
write output
write.csv(mod.q3,".../Q3 statistics for all item pairs.csv")
However, when I tried export "mod.q3" using write.csv, the error are the following.
Error in (function (..., row.names = NULL, check.rows = FALSE, check.names = TRUE, : **
** arguments imply differing number of rows: 40, 780, 81, 9
Please help how to correctly export output "mod.q3".
Thanks a lot!
allows to export dataframes as far as I know.
Whereas mod.q3
is a list. Which part of mod.q3
do you want to write in a CSV file ? The Q3 matrix ?
Type mod.q3$
, then Rstudio will suggest which element of this list to select
If you want to save the whole mod.q3
object use this code :
# Save mod.q3
saveRDS(mod.q3,".../Q3 statistics for all item pairs.rds")
# You can read the file
readRDS(".../Q3 statistics for all item pairs.rds")
Thanks so much for the help!!
July 6, 2022, 8:15pm
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