Apologies for the vague title, I'm not sure how to best summarise what I'm trying to do in a concise way.
I want to analyse some pilot data from an online experiment. Each participant’s data file is imported into R using a loop and goes into one long data frame, from which it is possible to group by participant. There is a column called ‘catch’ whose values can take either 0 or 1. When it is 1, I want the values in another column to be greater than 3 (it can take values from 1 to 5). (To give a bit of context, there are 100 trials and 10 of these are catch trials, where the value is 1). For any participants who have a value of 3 or less on any of those trials, I want to exclude their entire data. How do I go about doing (or writing the code for) this?