How to do simulation in my code and get the average value?

## define parameters
p <- 10 # number of random variables
n <- 1000 # number of samples
szero <- 10  # expected number of edges in DAG
s <- szero / (p*(p-1)) # sparsness of the graph

## generate random data
# set.seed(42)
g <- randomDAG(p,s) # generate a random DAG
d <- rmvDAG(n,g, errDist="normal") # generate random samples

  pcAlgo(d,alpha=0.05, directed=TRUE) # estimate of the CPDAG

(shd.val <- shd(g,gCPDAG))

I want to do such above codes 12 times. That is 12 runs simulation. Then I want to get the average value of shd.val.

I also want to compute the running time of these 12 simulations.

How to do these?

## define parameters
p <- 10 # number of random variables
n <- 1000 # number of samples
szero <- 10  # expected number of edges in DAG
s <- szero / (p*(p-1)) # sparsness of the graph
## generate random data
# set.seed(42)
g <- randomDAG(p,s) # generate a random DAG

take_samples <- function() {
  d = rmvDAG(n,g, errDist="normal") # generate random samples
    gCPDAG =
      pcAlgo(d,alpha=0.05, directed=TRUE) # estimate of the CPDAG

library(tictoc) # simple timer 
# receiver object
results <- vector(length = 12)
for(i in 1:12) results[i] = shd(g,take_samples())
#>  [1] 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 5 3 3 3 4
#> [1] 2.833333
#> 0.172 sec elapsed

Created on 2023-09-04 with reprex v2.0.2

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How to set the seed in your solution to make the result reproducible? Thank you so much!

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You could set.seed() within the take_samples() function, which would use a different seed from the value of 42 used for randomDAG() or you could remove set.seed(NULL), but either would make results contain identical values.

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