Hi! I'm new to R. I want to make a Correspondance Analysis and my CSV file looks something like this:
My problem is, in the "TYPE" column the categories are reoccuring and I don't now how to properly make a CA with that.
I've tried to google it, but in every example I saw there's a table in which the TYPE column consists only distinct categories.
With my re-occuring TYPE values, this code gives a wrong evaluation on the number of row categories:
res.ca <- CA(my_data, graph = FALSE)
"The row variable has [insanely huge number] categories; the column variable has 3 categories."
How can I get a result like this?
The row variable has 3 categories (X-Y-Z), the column variable has 3 categories (dim1, dim2, dim3).
Thank you so much for your help in advance!