How to disable R in Positron

Hi there. In my Windows Positron installation, I can't select a Python interpreter. Each time I try, R appears in the Console instead. The Python interpreter just doesn't stick. Is there a way to tell Positron to "ignore" my R installation? Or alternatively, how can I completely remove Positron and re-install from scratch? (Because when I uninstall from within Windows, my preferences are still around).

I may have solved my own problem. I was using a virtual Python (conda) environment. It appears that Positron dislikes seeing a Python virtual environment in the same Windows directory inhabited by an .rpoj or .Rprofile file. (These are project and user profile files used by R). When prompted to use the Python interpreter located in the virtual environment, Positron bumps into these other files and opens an R session in the console. Go figure! Very weird.