Hi There,
I am facing issue while concatenating 2 variable names with having spaces in column name.
I have created first variable name as Geometric mean
& second name as CV.
I want to concat both variable name together like "Geometric mean (CV)" within double Quotes to proceed further.
When I tried using "Geometric mean
(CV)" & either way around. I am getting below error ;
Error in parse(text = text, keep.source = FALSE) :
:1:11: unexpected symbol
1: Geometric mean
Can you please help me to get variable name as "Geometric mean (CV)"?
Thank you,
Use backticks `` instead.
Yes I tried same way within double quotes as below,
"Geometric mean
I told you to use backticks instead of double quotes.
Thank you for your suggestion.
As suggested, I tried with backticks but didn't worked out 
If I used backticks for whole Geometric mean (CV)
then R will check for object "Geometric mean (CV)" & will get another error.
My requirement is I want final product as "Geometric mean (CV)" with double quotes.
Both of these work:
`Geometric mean (CV)` <- 1
`"Geometric mean (CV)"` <- 1
As I mentioned in my post, I have 2 separate variables. First variable as "Geometric mean" & second name as "CV".
My requirement is to concat them like "Geometric mean (CV)"
Thank you!
I know on Reprex however Since I am working on highly regulated environment I can't share live example here 
Can you mock up one? We almost certainly do not need to see real data. The data layout is what is important.
perhaps this can help you.
(df_1 <- data.frame(a=1,
(df_2 <- mutate(df_1,
`a b` = a+b))
df_2$`a b`
Would this work:
df <- data.frame("Geometric mean" = rnorm(10), "CV" = runif(10), check.names = FALSE)
df$`Geometric mean (CV)` <- paste(df$`Geometric mean`, df$CV)
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