I have created a hetmap with the following data and codes:
Variety | Total As | As (III) | As (V) | DMA |
BRRI dhan60 | 375.84 | 198.15 | 134.44 | 20.97 |
BRRI dhan58 | 367.46 | 181.16 | 75.91 | 28.93 |
BRRI dhan64 | 369.35 | 154.57 | 128.81 | 23.96 |
BR7 | 562.06 | 199.15 | 116.59 | 51.31 |
BRRI dhan29 | 356.44 | 149.71 | 53.64 | 105.34 |
BR17 | 440.78 | 262.02 | 96.38 | 26.39 |
BRRI dhan59 | 374.42 | 159.95 | 170.08 | 30.64 |
BRRI dhan97 | 259.75 | 108.81 | 85.91 | 36.82 |
BRRI dhan89 | 377.01 | 159.81 | 141.45 | 28.15 |
BRRI dhan92 | 366.22 | 126.7 | 140.09 | 41.25 |
BRRI dhan35 | 366.3 | 111.95 | 185.01 | 30.87 |
BR16 | 301.77 | 99.34 | 122.3 | 32.46 |
BR12 | 294.1 | 133.61 | 71.93 | 32.05 |
BRRI dhan47 | 219.31 | 98.2 | 63.42 | 46.26 |
BR8 | 408.56 | 165.67 | 94.77 | 30.81 |
BRRI dhan99 | 308.89 | 140.02 | 108.04 | 46.4 |
BRRI dhan69 | 325 | 115.53 | 156.26 | 43.81 |
BR14 | 342.56 | 106.38 | 103.06 | 38.04 |
BR9 | 407.04 | 129.55 | 197.47 | 45.63 |
BR2 | 299.27 | 103.92 | 94.7 | 52.75 |
BR15 | 383.82 | 233.06 | 51.8 | 32.93 |
BR18 | 412.15 | 163.41 | 57.34 | 43.39 |
BR3 | 322.98 | 163.91 | 32.14 | 20.37 |
BR19 | 459.93 | 122.05 | 171.99 | 17.9 |
BRRI dhan50 | 326.37 | 83.91 | 166.12 | 17.6 |
L<-read.csv("HeatmapLD.csv",row.names = 1)
df <- scale(L)
col <- colorRampPalette(c("#6D9EC1", "white", "#E46726"))(256)
tiff("Heatmap_LD.tiff", width = 2244, height = 1801,
units = c("px"), res = 300)
htmp <- Heatmap(df, name = "Value",
row_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
column_names_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10),
col = col,
heatmap_legend_param = list(at = c(-4, -2, 0, 2, 4),
legend_direction = "horizontal",
title_position = "topcenter",
show_legend= FALSE,
legend_width = unit(8, "cm")))
draw(htmp, heatmap_legend_side="bottom" )
And the output is:
My problem is with the X axis labels. I want them as it is in the data frame i.e Total As, As (III), As(V). How can I get this? Please help as I am very new to R.