I am trying to create dataframe / tibble from xml_attr and xml_text in tidyverse pipeline ...
x <- read_html("https://stats.oecd.org/DownloadFiles.aspx?DatasetCode=CRS1")
x %>%
xml_find_all("//*/tr/td/a") %>%
tibble(a = map_chr(., xml_text),
b = map_chr(., xml_attr, "onclick"))
but i get an error
! All columns in a tibble must be vectors.
x Column .
is a xml_nodeset
I don't know why it does not work (as I would expect) while the following gives a result.
(To be honest I would not know what to do with it, if you gave it to me as a present )
x <- read_html("https://stats.oecd.org/DownloadFiles.aspx?DatasetCode=CRS1")
x1 <- xml_find_all(x,"//*/tr/td/a")
a <- map_chr(x1, xml_text)
b <- map_chr(x1, xml_attr, "onclick")
tibble(a = a, b = b)
#> # A tibble: 20 x 2
#> a b
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 CRS 2020 / SNPC 2020 return OpenFileac3a59f6_5acb_4747_9ef3_3c00e2ab3e~
#> 2 CRS 2019 / SNPC 2019 return OpenFile348f223c_7d11_43ad_ab95_b7c0ab537f~
#> 3 CRS 2018 / SNPC 2018 return OpenFileed94e89a_e81e_4718_ac69_2a51f54296~
#> 4 CRS 2017 / SNPC 2017 return OpenFilebf6e1a95_a4ac_4545_9e91_1a38c9b738~
#> 5 CRS 2016 / SNPC 2016 return OpenFileb64f050c_4e2f_44ed_a8e6_db32ce00fd~
#> 6 CRS 2015 / SNPC 2015 return OpenFile4440e8de_f471_479a_9692_ddd7bf06d7~
#> 7 CRS 2014 / SNPC 2014 return OpenFilea990e786_6647_4e5a_8795_bbec445294~
#> 8 CRS 2013 / SNPC 2013 return OpenFilefa4ae8e5_a954_4cd5_ae72_9053094bf9~
#> 9 CRS 2012 / SNPC 2012 return OpenFileed338f01_47b7_421c_92be_dee8141202~
#> 10 CRS 2011 / SNPC 2011 return OpenFile05dd3f52_a5fd_4d20_8ded_2b4159a567~
#> 11 CRS 2010 / SNPC 2010 return OpenFilecb44825a_d8e8_41b0_80f8_f42e67f961~
#> 12 CRS 2009 / SNPC 2009 return OpenFilea530b713_0f45_48d7_b921_e3a70871ba~
#> 13 CRS 2008 / SNPC 2008 return OpenFile251471b4_5117_49cf_8d73_7e9b4eb186~
#> 14 CRS 2007 / SNPC 2007 return OpenFilef49c3166_e1fd_48f1_831a_c1fe38b96c~
#> 15 CRS 2006 / SNPC 2006 return OpenFile8d7734f9_4fc6_4c3a_994f_8bfd271317~
#> 16 CRS 2004-05 / SNPC 2004-05 return OpenFile26a883a7_afb4_4d98_95e8_29cc63638c~
#> 17 CRS 2002-03 / SNPC 2002-03 return OpenFile28e76303_4d91_4a36_aabb_6cce13c084~
#> 18 CRS 2000-01 / SNPC 2000-01 return OpenFile02d8f462_08eb_4b99_b12d_bd6a0edf96~
#> 19 CRS 1995-99 / SNPC 1995-99 return OpenFilec0c345b3_74e8_499d_a280_e8af7e3f47~
#> 20 CRS 1973-94 / SNPC 1973-94 return OpenFile82c8801d_641f_49ec_8ace_9e003224c3~
Created on 2022-02-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
And this also works (????)
read_html("https://stats.oecd.org/DownloadFiles.aspx?DatasetCode=CRS1") %>%
xml_find_all(.,"//*/tr/td/a") %>%
map_dfr(., function(x) {
b=xml_attr(x, "onclick"))
}) %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 x 2
#> a b
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 CRS 2020 / SNPC 2020 return OpenFileac3a59f6_5acb_4747_9ef3_3c00e2ab3eb5();
#> 2 CRS 2019 / SNPC 2019 return OpenFile348f223c_7d11_43ad_ab95_b7c0ab537fdd();
#> 3 CRS 2018 / SNPC 2018 return OpenFileed94e89a_e81e_4718_ac69_2a51f5429657();
#> 4 CRS 2017 / SNPC 2017 return OpenFilebf6e1a95_a4ac_4545_9e91_1a38c9b738de();
#> 5 CRS 2016 / SNPC 2016 return OpenFileb64f050c_4e2f_44ed_a8e6_db32ce00fd4f();
#> 6 CRS 2015 / SNPC 2015 return OpenFile4440e8de_f471_479a_9692_ddd7bf06d7d2();
Created on 2022-02-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
March 1, 2022, 4:52pm
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