How to create a footer on powerpoint slide using R packages officedown and officer

Posted originally on SO here.

Hello and thanks for reading. I am having trouble using the officedown and officer packages to insert a footer on a PPTX slide. I am able to insert a footer if the R object is of type data frame. But if I try to do the same with a string then it instead places the string in the body of the slide. There are R Markdown examples of each below. Thanks again for reading.

title: YAML Title

## Using a data frame, placed in the footer
```{r echo=FALSE, layout="Title and Content", ph=officer::ph_location_type(type="ftr")}
test <- data.frame(1)


title: YAML Title

## Using a string, placed in the body despite ph tag
```{r echo=FALSE, layout="Title and Content", ph=officer::ph_location_type(type="ftr")}
"some footer text"

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