How to create a checkboxInput which, when checked, expands a box with options?

For the code below I need to add a snippet that would allow me, after selecting an option in the first checkboxInput (choice), to expand a separate box with the rest of the options. How can I make these options closable.

ui <- dashboardPage(
    dashboardHeader(title = "X"),
        checkboxInput("choice", "Are you into it?"),
        checkboxGroupInput("stages", "Stages: ", choices = c("First", "Second", "Third")),
        selectInput("status", "Status of this card: ", choices = c(" ", "Active", "Closed")),
        dateInput(inputId = "date", label = "Choose date : "),
        sliderInput(inputId = "inactivity", label = "Time of inactivity ", min = 6, max = 24, value = 10)
        dataTableOutput(outputId = "table")

Are you after something like a conditional panel?

Actually yes, but I didn't work. Maybe I did it in wrong way. The part of code looks that:

checkboxInput("choice", "Are you into it?"),
            condition = "input.choice == 'T'",
            checkboxGroupInput("stages", "Stages: ", choices = c("First", "Second", "Third")),
            selectInput("status", "Status of this card: ", choices = c(" ", "Active", "Closed"))   

Try this:

condition = "input.choice == 1",

It works in this example:

ui <- fluidPage(
    checkboxInput("choice", "Are you into it?"),

      condition = "input.choice == 1",
      checkboxGroupInput("stages", "Stages: ", choices = c("First", "Second", "Third")),
      selectInput("status", "Status of this card: ", choices = c(" ", "Active", "Closed"))   

server <- function(input, output) {

shinyApp(ui, server)

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