I came across the shinymaterial package, which creates apps that look nice and it seems very simple to implement. I am transitioning an app from shinydashboard to shinymaterial.
However, shinydashboard does not include a built-in option to create an infoBox like there is within shinydashboard.
With some searching, I found this post on GitHub, which worked easily to create similar value boxes!
I was able to copy this code to also add the desired color. However, where I am running into a problem, is how to conditionally change the color of the icon based on a value.
What I am currently doing that seems like it should work is this.
Here's the code that works to assign a specific (non-dynamic) color to the icon within the ui:
material_column(width=4, material_card(
material_row(icon("ambulance","fa-2x"), tags$style(".fa-
ambulance{color:#ff0000}"), "LTI Rate", hr()), h3(textOutput("LTIRate")),
Now to determine the color that should be displayed, I have created this code on the server side:
output$OSHAColor <- renderText({
LTI_Rate <- inj_dmg_stn %>%
filter(Location == input$STATION) %>%
select(`LTI Rate`)
LTI_Target <- inj_dmg_stn %>%
filter(Location == input$STATION) %>%
select(`LTI Target`)
ifelse(LTI_Rate <= LTI_Target, sprintf('".fa-medkit
sprintf('".fa-medkit {color:%s}"','#FF00000'))
To test what this is really outputting, I have displayed it three ways in the ui, using the following code:
HTML(paste(textOutput("OSHAColor"))), textOutput("OSHAColor"))
The first outputs as the HTML string (starting with ...<div id="OSHAColor" class="...), which is not what I want. The second and third output as desired for the shiny tag string I am trying to pass to shiny$tags (".fa-medkit {color: #228B22}").
When I try use use either of those two options in tags$style for my icon like this:
I get a black icon, instead of red or green, meaning the color or tags$style parameter was not recognized.
I thought this post might help me, but I tried and I'm not sure I can create the whole icon on the server side.
Lastly, here is a reproducible example:
## shinymaterial infobox reference site
## https://github.com/ericrayanderson/shinymaterial/issues/31
data <- as.data.frame(1.0)
colnames(data) <- c('Rate')
ui <- material_page(
title = "Reproducible Example",
title = tags$b("INJURIES"),
tags$styleHTML(paste(textOutput("Color")))), "Rate", hr()),
h3(textOutput("ARate")), depth=5)),
material_card(material_row(icon("ambulance","fa-2x"), tags$style(".fa-
ambulance {color:#ff0000}"), "Rate", hr()), h3(textOutput("Rate")),
server <- function(input, output) {
## Rate ##
output$Rate <- renderText({as.character(sprintf("%.2f",round(
## Color ##
output$Color <- renderText({
ifelse(data[1,1] <= 4.0, as.character(sprintf('".fa-medkit
{color:%s}"','#228B22')), as.character(sprintf('".fa-medkit
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.