How to communicate between modules in Shiny?


I would like to use a reactive expression(function) from module aServer and use it in module bServer in modules.R.


aServer <- function(id) {
    function(input, output, session) {
      userFile <- reactive({

bServer <- function(id, *?*) { # What should I put as a parameter?
    function(input, output, session) {
      userFile() # I would like to do this, but How?

I've read the article "Communication between modules" on Shiny from RStudio(Shiny - Communication between modules), but I don't understand the logic behind the scatterplot_server_mod.

scatterplot_server_mod <- function(input, output, session, dataset, plot1vars, plot2vars) {
# Where do plot1vars and plot2vars come from? 
# It's not defined anywhere in the app code.                          
plot1_obj <- reactive({
  p <- scatter_sales(dataset, xvar = plot1vars$xvar(), yvar = plot1vars$yvar())
# Shouldn't plot1vars be defined somewhere in order to subset xvar()? 
# I assume xvar() is from varselect_mod_server, 
# but I can't find plot1vars and plot2vars anywhere in app.R and modules.R.
  plot2_obj <- reactive({
    p <- scatter_sales(dataset, xvar = plot2vars$xvar(), yvar = plot2vars$yvar())

Thank you for your help.

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