How to combine multiple shiny apps into a single dashboard

I'm in the process of trialing py-shiny - so far I'm very happy, I've tried a number of other python web-app frameworks and my initial impression of shiny is very favorable!

What I would like to do is combine multiple apps into a single dashboard, i.e. hosted on a single port (i.e. 80/443) but each app would have it's own venv - otherwise I'd imagine over time dependency management would get quite complicated I'd imagine.

One way of doing this would be simply creating a docker container per app, along with an nginx proxy to redirect say request to http::/ to the correct app. Another option I've considered is using shiny server which appears to support multiple venv's (I couldn't get this to work but I didn't try for long).

My question though is how would you go about creating a consistent navigation ux accross the multiple apps - what I'd like is something like Shiny examples - where there's a side navbar accross the whole site, and each example is displayed in a frame.

How would one go about doing this? Would you redict "/" (root) to a shiny app that displays the sidebar, and somehow share this code with every other app is there a better way?

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