Dear all,
I'd like to apply different pre-processing strategies to my data and, eventually, I'd like to combine multiple techniques by applying them subsequentially.
Here's a reprex of what I'd like to do. In particular, I'd like the user to apply log10 transformation or scaling to a certaing dataframe. Moreover, I'd like to allow the user to apply both of them (in the specific order the user select) to the data.
Despite I can easily apply one of the two available pre-processing to the data, I'm not able to apply them subsequentially.
Here's is an example of the app I'd like to obtain, I tried to solve this issue but the code I wrote doesn't work when I select both the pre-processing strategies.
check.names = FALSE,
row.names = c("sample_1","sample_2","sample_3",
`649.92` = c(0.06, 0.191, 0.0827, 0.0251, 0.065, 0.0447, 0.0433, 0.042),
`650.4` = c(0.0602, 0.1908, 0.0827, 0.0251, 0.0651, 0.0447, 0.0433, 0.042),
`650.89` = c(0.0604, 0.1909, 0.0828, 0.0251, 0.065, 0.0447, 0.0434, 0.042),
`651.37` = c(0.0606, 0.1911, 0.0829, 0.025, 0.065, 0.0448, 0.0435, 0.0421),
`651.85` = c(0.0608, 0.1914, 0.0831, 0.025, 0.0649, 0.0448, 0.0436, 0.0422),
`747.31` = c(0.0445, 0.1335, 0.0715, 0.021, 0.0611, 0.0324, 0.0354, 0.036),
`1044.79` = c(0.0722,0.2081,0.0877,0.0278,0.0998,
if (interactive()) {
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("funct","Pre-processing type",
c("Logaritm" = "log10",
"Scaling" = "scale"),
multiple = TRUE)),
tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
tabPanel("Table", tableOutput("table"))
server <- function(input, output) {
d <- reactive({
funct <- switch(input$funct,
log10 = log10,
scale = scale,
output$table <- renderTable({
I'd be very grateful if anybody could attend to this matter