How to cite a book from Bookdown

Hi, I'm searching for the correct way to cite a book created in Bookdown. I appreciate all of your help.

I don't know of any bibliographic guide for citing based on the technology used to create content—the focus for web published content is to provide an URL or DOI in addition to the usual authorship, title and other information.

When citing a book that is published online, the citation format typically depends on the style guide you are following. Common style guides include APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard, among others. Here are the general formats for an online book citation in some of these styles:

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

  • Format: Author(s). (Year). Title of the book (edition, if not the first). Publisher. URL or DOI
  • Example: Smith, J. (2020). Digital Literacy in the Modern World (2nd ed.). Online Publishers Group.

MLA (Modern Language Association) Style

  • Format: Author(s). Title of the Book. Publisher, Year of publication. Title of Website or database, URL.
  • Example: Smith, John. Digital Literacy in the Modern World. Online Publishers Group, 2020. Google Books,

Chicago Style

  • Format: Author(s). Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication. URL or DOI.
  • Example: Smith, John. 2020. Digital Literacy in the Modern World. Online Publishers Group.

Harvard Style

  • Format: Author(s) Last name, First initial(s). (Year Published). Title. Edition. Publisher, URL.
  • Example: Smith, J. (2020). Digital Literacy in the Modern World. 2nd ed. Online Publishers Group,

When citing an online book, always include the URL or DOI (Digital Object Identifier) where the book can be accessed. If the book is available through a specific database or e-book platform (like Google Books, Kindle, etc.), include the name of the platform.

It's also important to follow specific guidelines for formatting (italicization, capitalization, punctuation, etc.) as outlined in the relevant style guide. The examples provided are general and might need to be adjusted based on the specific rules of the citation style being used and the details of the source.

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I do not think it matters that a book was created in Bookdown . I am only familiar with APA Style but essentially it wants information on how to locate the reference. See APA 7th Ed. - Citation - LibGuides at California State University Dominguez Hills for a quick example.

It could not care less if it was produced with Bookdown or a quill pen.

AS @ technocrat says, "It's also important to follow specific guidelines for formatting (italicization, capitalization, punctuation, etc.) as outlined in the relevant style guide". APA is vicious about this. :smile:

But APA, at least, does not care how he book was produced.


Thank you, this cleared my doubts.

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