Hi, im learning how to use the vegan package, and im following the Intro Vegan (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/vegan/vignettes/intro-vegan.pdf , pag 2 - 6). So i use the following code
plot(ord, disp="sites", type="n")
ordihull(ord, Management, col=1:4, lwd=3)
ordiellipse(ord, Management, col=1:4, kind="ehull", lwd=3)
ordiellipse(ord, Management, col=1:4, draw="polygon")
ordispider(ord, Management, col=1:4, label=TRUE)
points(ord, disp="sites", pch=21, col="red", bg="yellow", cex=1.3)
and i got this graph ->
but it is wrong, it suppose to create this graph -> pag 6 of the Intro Vegan (sorry im a new user i can upload only 1 picture)
How do i make the text box smaller? and how i can make the graph complete (the first graph its missing some parts of the curve)?
Thank you