I hope I have provided a simple example that will allow someone to help me better understand my issue...
I am trying to develop a Shiny app that will enable my users to choose a date range of transactions and a product of interest, at which point I will perform some market basket analysis techniques with all transactions that include the product of interest. For performance reasons, I was looking to load the data (from Amazon Redshift using JDBC/sql/etc) and transform the data in a separate script. I will worry about all of this later...
The Shiny app will allow the user to choose a date range and product, so at the most basic level, I am trying to learn/understand how to have my Shiny app call on the script and run it, using the input variables from the app itself.
To be clear - this is a rough example and a starting point. I'm unsure what needs to be a function, how to call it, etc.
data <- read_excel("sampledata.xlsx")
data$date <- as.Date(data$date)
my_data_for_shiny <- function(start,end) {
data_new <- data[data$date >= {'my R shiny start date'} &
data$date <= {'my R shiny end date'}, ]
## Does this need to be a function? I just don't really understand how to pass the Shiny app input values to this script
## then output the results in the server function in the app
app.r File here:
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# http://shiny.rstudio.com/
skus <- list('Group1' = list("item1","item2","item3"),
'Group2' = list("item4","item5")
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("Here is where I'll do my analysis"),
# Sidebar with a input from user
position = "right",
sidebarPanel (
selectInput("sku", "Select SKU:", skus),
textOutput("skuchoice"), p(),
dateInput('start', "Select start date:", '2022-05-05', min='2022-05-05', max = '2022-05-10', weekstart = 0, autoclose = TRUE),
dateInput('end', "Select end date:", '2022-05-10', min='2022-05-05', max = '2022-05-10', weekstart = 0, autoclose = TRUE),
mainPanel("output stuff here",
server <- function(input, output) {
output$skuchoice <- renderText({
paste("Analyzing all transactions that contain", input$sku)
## How do I call in "samplescript" and pass it start/end from the input, then output data_new from samplescript?
# output$table <- renderTable(
# source(file=samplescript.R))
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I have provided a very simple sample of data, plus a sample script and app.R file code which I hope will be enough for someone be able to help me. The sample script is pulling in excel but I have provided a Google Sheet since you can't attach files here.
Thank you!