How to call a function inside of a RefClass

Hello, I can't figure out how to call the sayMyNameIs function from within RCPersonAcc class


# Error in eval(ei, envir) : attempt to apply non-function

Was trying to follow these resources

RCPersonAcc <- setRefClass(Class = "RCPersonAcc",
                           fields = list(
                             givenName = "character", 
                             familyName = "character",
                             emailAddress = "character",
                             yearOfBirth = "numeric"),
                           methods = list(
                             initialize = function() {
                             greet = function() {
                               cat(paste0("Hello", ".\n"))
                               # return fails for 
                               # return ("hello")
                             sayMyNameIs = function() {
                               cat(paste0("My name is ", .self$givenName, ".\n"))

bob <- RCPersonAcc$new()
bob <- RCPersonAcc$accessors(c("givenName", "familyName", "emailAddress", "yearOfBirth"))

cat("Family Name:   ", bob$getFamilyName(), "\n",
    "Given Name:    ", bob$getGivenName(), "\n",
    "Email address: ", bob$getEmailAddress(), "\n",
    "Year of birth: ", bob$getYearOfBirth(), "\n")

# Error in eval(ei, envir) : attempt to apply non-function

Anybody have any idea how to call a function from within a class excluding when it's initialized?

Hi @300_bananas ,

the link you provided Experiments With S4 Classes And With Reference Classes has the answer in the section Please note: methods after accessor

Add this (remove the function from the setRefClass call) and it will work

bob <- RCPersonAcc$methods(sayMyNameIs = function() {
  cat(paste0("My name is ", givenName, ".\n"))

since the function will be defined after the bob <- RCPersonAcc$accessors(c("givenName", "familyName", "emailAddress", "yearOfBirth")) line and you also don't have to do the .self referencing anymore. The section mentioned above explains it very well.

Full code:

RCPersonAcc <- setRefClass(Class = "RCPersonAcc",
                           fields = list(
                             givenName = "character", 
                             familyName = "character",
                             emailAddress = "character",
                             yearOfBirth = "numeric"),
                           methods = list(
                             initialize = function() {
                             greet = function() {
                               cat(paste0("Hello", ".\n"))
                               # return fails for 
                               # return ("hello")

bob <- RCPersonAcc$new()
bob <- RCPersonAcc$accessors(c("givenName", "familyName", "emailAddress", "yearOfBirth"))

cat("Family Name:   ", bob$getFamilyName(), "\n",
    "Given Name:    ", bob$getGivenName(), "\n",
    "Email address: ", bob$getEmailAddress(), "\n",
    "Year of birth: ", bob$getYearOfBirth(), "\n")

bob <- RCPersonAcc$methods(sayMyNameIs = function() {
  cat(paste0("My name is ", givenName, ".\n"))


Thanks for the help vedoa!

I'm quite new to the R language and am pleased that I can have classes in R like I would in C++ or other OOP languages (without using say, Rcpp)

The approach you shared works even with the addition of other people

jane <- RCPersonAcc$new()

I also found another approach I could use for having classes in R that makes use of the " aoosClasses" library

There seems to even be "s7" library

Wonder which approach is better but at least both work

@300_bananas under Introduction | Advanced R you will find an overview about OOP in R by one of the most prolific R developers Hadley Wickham @hadley (author of ggplot2 -and most of the stuff in the tidyverse-, devtools, httr etc).

So given your background probably the R6 approach will feel by far the most natural - since it is the closest that you will come to classic OOP style of programming. Only downside - it is an extra package (has minimal dependencies).

The S7 approach is a new experimental one trying to combine the strengths of S3 and S4. Here the talk by Hadley for those who are intersetd (at the time of the recording it was still named R7 but they changed it to S7).

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