I need to assign different point shapes to each group (station) in PCA plots, but I couldn't able to edit the following script. I am working with Package Momocs. Need some help. Thanks
eOTO %>% PCA %>% plot_PCA(~Station)
layer_ellipses( conf = 0.9, lwd = 1, alpha = 0)%>%
layer_axes(lwd = 1)%>%
layer_ellipsesaxes (conf = 0.5,lwd=1.5)%>%
layer_grid( col = "#999999", lty = 3, grid = 3)%>%
layer_stars(alpha = 0.8)%>%
layer_points( cex=1.3) %>%
#layer_eigen( nb_max =5, cex = 1 )%>%
layer_legend( cex = 1)%>%
layer_title( title = "a", cex =1)