How to add series to a highcharter


I can't build a graph using hc_add_series .
here is my code and data

origine mois    moy
A        1      247563
A        2      241450
A        3      234070
A        4      261077
B       1      205313
B       2      253429
B       3      228813
B       4      221133
B       5      287067
B       6      231357
B       7      260688
B       8      295200
B       9      249867
B      10      227125
B      11      173200
B      12      138200
C       1       91438
C       2      112286
C       3      109267
C       4       96429
C       5      109250
C       6      115000
C       7      158200
C       8      198000
C       9      193933
C      10      141533
C      11      117800
C      12       92063
D       1       76800
D       2       71214
D       3       68000
D       4       93000
E        1      132471
E        2      125539
E        3      118503
E        4      117400
hc_add_series(name ='Moyenne A',data=filter(df_graph,origine=='A')%>%select(moy),color='red')%>%
hc_add_series(name='Moyenne E',data=filter(df_graph,origine=='E')%>%select(moy),color='green')

and this the graph :frowning_face:

thanks for your help !

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