Hi all, I'm working with a data frame like this:
food_totals <- tibble::tribble(
~ food, ~ year, ~ total, ~ overall_change,
"Orange", 2012, 5, -3,
"Orange", 2013, 3, -3,
"Orange", 2014, 2, -3,
"Kiwi", 2012, 4, 2,
"Kiwi", 2013, 5, 2,
"Kiwi", 2014, 6, 2,
"Eggplant", 2012, 4, -4,
"Eggplant", 2013, 2, -4,
"Eggplant", 2014, 0, -4
I want to create a set of line charts to show the change over time for each, which is easy enough.
food_totals %>%
ggplot(aes(year, total)) +
geom_line(aes(colour = food, group = food)) +
facet_wrap(vars(food)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
The problem I'm having is that I want to include an annotation on each of the charts that shows the value in that food's "overall_change" column. Whenever I try to insert overall_change as a label, I'm told that the object overall_change cannot be found.
Thank you for your time!