How to Add Hover Text to a ggplot2?

I want to add hover text to my ggplot graphic. I have tried plotly but it doesn't work with geom_xsidehistogram which is critical to this plot. Does anyone know of any other packages that might have the same tooltip/hover text ability that work with geom_tile and geom_xsidehistogram?

Thanks in advance

I should clarify the issue I am having with plotly is that it removes my side histogram. I only need the tool tip/hover text to appear over the tile portion of the graph. So any package that shows hover text over geom_tile and doesn't format side histograms weirdly is a win for me.

Hi @katchamp. It looks like the ggiraph package works for geom_tile, but I am unaware of anything that works with geom_xsidehistogram.

I should clarify the issue I am having with plotly is that it removes my side histogram. I only need the tool tip/hover text to appear over the tile portion of the graph. So any package that shows hover text over geom_tile and doesn't format side histograms weirdly is a win.

Unfortunately, when I tried ggiraph I ran into install errors.

Can you provide a reproducible example of your code?

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Below is an example using ggiraph and the iris data that provides tooltips over the tiles and preserves the side historgrams. What errors are you getting when trying to install?


p <-ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Width, Sepal.Length, color = Species, fill = Species)) +
  geom_tile_interactive(aes(tooltip = paste('Sepal length: ', Sepal.Length))) +
  geom_xsidehistogram(binwidth = 0.1) +
  geom_ysidehistogram(binwidth = 0.1)

girafe(ggobj = p, height_svg = 3)

I don't know how helpful code will be in this case because I original problem I was having with plotly was that it literally isn't built to work with geom_xsidehistogram. They even provided a warning saying that they aren't implemented for the geom_GeomXsidebar functions yet. I am literally just looking for suggestions of other packages that have similar functionality, that I can investigate further on my own.

But if you must know my code to answer this question here you go.
My data structure was
master - a data frame containing:

  • region (character)
  • envir_var_elevation (numeric)
  • loggdppc (numeric)
  • value (numeric)
  • reactive_value (numeric)

df_plot - a data frame containing:

  • (numeric factor)
  • (numeric factor)
  • value.squish (numeric)
  • reactive_value.mean (numeric)

df_plot was created by taking the data from master binning elevation and loggdppc and then finding the mean in each bin combination.

Here is my plot code

p_elev_income = ggplot(df_plot, aes(x =, y =, fill = value.squish,
                                      text = glue("reactive adapt: {reactive_value.mean}"))) + 
    geom_tile() + 
    geom_xsidehistogram(data = master, aes(x = envir_var_elevation, y = after_stat(density)), binwidth = .01, inherit.aes = F) +
    geom_ysidehistogram(data = master, aes(x = after_stat(density), y = loggdppc), binwidth = 0.08, inherit.aes = F) +
    ggside(x.pos = "bottom", y.pos = "left") +
    xlab(xlab_name) +
    ylab("Log GDP per Capita") +
    scale_fill_gradientn(colours = blue_red.colors, 
                         name = scale_name,
                         limits = limits_val,  
                         breaks = breaks_labels_val,
                         labels = breaks_labels_val,
                         values = rescale(rescale_val),
                         na.value = NA
                         ) +
    theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'grey'),
          ggside.panel.scale.x = 0.2,
          ggside.panel.scale.y = 0.2)


This is the way the plot is supposed to look:

This is the way plotly handled it, the hover text is exactly what I need unfortuntely it fails to plot my side histograms:

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I was getting an Error 1 which seemed to be related to a compilation failure.

The known solutions for this error didn't work for me so I reported an issue to the developer's GitHub so you can read the details of what I experienced there:


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