How to add a line from Y2 axis to Y axis in dygraphs using R

...I want to add a limit for Y and Y2 axis separately. But as my labels are different in both the axis, I am unable to add a line. Is there any way to add a line from Y to Y2 and Y2 to Y in the same graph?

Tried adding the "axis" parameter inside dylimt and used dygroup option too. But I didn't find any possible answer
I want to add a limit for Y and Y2 axis separately. But as my labels are different in both the axis, I am unable to add a line. Is there any way to add a line from Y to Y2 and Y2 to Y in the same graph?

Tried adding the "axis" parameter inside dylimt and used dygroup option too. But I didn't find any possible answer




ui<- shinyUI(fluidPage(

dygraphOutput("dygraph2") ) )




checkdf_y <- 1600 #Limit for Y-axis

checkdf_y2 <- 1025 #Limit for Y2-Axis

shinyServer(function(input, output) {

lungDeaths <- cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths)

output$dygraph2 <- renderDygraph({

dygraph(lungDeaths, main = "My Graph", group = "lung-deaths") %>%

  dySeries("fdeaths", axis = "y2")%>%

  dyLimit(checkdf_y,label = "Y-axis Limit",color = "red",strokePattern = "dashed")%>%

  dyLimit(checkdf_y2,label = "Y2-axis Limit",color = "green",strokePattern = "dashed")

}) })

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