How put a JSON file in a df or excel file?

Hi community,

Im download data from a server, this run well.

Currently, I need to transform the JSON file into a more accessible format, such as a data.frame or an Excel file. My goal is to organize the headings in a single row, as the first three rows of the file contain header information distributed in different fields.

I attach the JSON file for reference.
Download JSON

Additionally, I used a tool (free page) that generated headings occupying several cells, which I want to avoid. I would like to consolidate the headings into a single row that contains all the headings in a clear and organized manner.

But I want make all in R.


Thank you for your suggestion,
I just don't know how to put a dput from a JSON file.

When I use the tool to convert from JSON to excel, I get the above image. If you notice well, the headers are in the first 4 rows (red). I would like with R to be able to adjust it so that all the headers are in the first row as well as a df.


I didn't quite get what you meant by the first three rows containing header information, but I think you can get pretty far along to where you'd like to go with the jsonlite package. Your data looks like it's coming from a REST API or something, so you'll want the $content part of that nested list.

  readLines("<your JSON file>"),
  flatten = TRUE
)[["content"]] |>

If you don't flatten it, the body column will be nested, which may be your preference here.

Also, a friendly suggestion: I would try to provide a minimal example of the structure you're trying to parse instead of linking files with potentially real personal data in them.

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That depends completely of your json doc structure, but in short term, u can use a function like fromJSON() from jsonlite. Even if u do this, if ur JSON doc have many childs, some of the fields can't be passed to an excel document, so for this cases u can use unnest() from tidyr to ungroup the lists in ur doc. Suppose the following estructure:


x <- '
    "quiz": {
        "sport": {
            "q1": {
                "question": "Which one is correct team name in NBA?",
                "options": [
                    "New York Bulls",
                    "Los Angeles Kings",
                    "Golden State Warriros",
                    "Huston Rocket"
                "answer": "Huston Rocket"
        "maths": {
            "q1": {
                "question": "5 + 7 = ?",
                "options": [
                "answer": "12"
            "q2": {
                "question": "12 - 8 = ?",
                "options": [
                "answer": "4"

class(x) <- "json"

u can transform it in to a data frame using:

fromJSON(x) |> 
  tidyr::unnest() |> 
  tidyr::unnest() |> 
  tidyr::unnest() |> 

resulting in:

question                               options               answer      question1 options1 answer1 question2 options2 answer2
  <chr>                                  <chr>                 <chr>       <chr>     <chr>    <chr>   <chr>     <chr>    <chr>  
1 Which one is correct team name in NBA? New York Bulls        Huston Roc… 5 + 7 = ? 10       12      12 - 8 =… 1        4      
2 Which one is correct team name in NBA? Los Angeles Kings     Huston Roc… 5 + 7 = ? 11       12      12 - 8 =… 2        4      
3 Which one is correct team name in NBA? Golden State Warriros Huston Roc… 5 + 7 = ? 12       12      12 - 8 =… 3        4      
4 Which one is correct team name in NBA? Huston Rocket         Huston Roc… 5 + 7 = ? 13       12      12 - 8 =… 4        4   

that's not the best way to fix this, but should works for u

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This generated me a df, however, there is a column
body.nameIds column and stores it I think as an incomplete list type.

It would be interesting to have that column type as

I know that with images it is not a very adequate example but I hope I have given you the context.

Im use the JSON file and obtain this:

fromJSON(my_json_file) |> 
  tidyr::unnest() |> 
  tidyr::unnest() |> 
  tidyr::unnest() |> 

# Error in UseMethod("unnest") : 
# no applicable method for 'unnest' applied to an object of class "list"
# In addition: Warning message:
# `cols` is now required when using `unnest()`.
# ℹ Please use `cols = c(content, sort, filter)`. 

I think you could achieve this by (maybe as a first step) cleaning up the list column to get rid of anything you don't want to retain, and then using tidyr::unnest_longer() to pivot those values. Alternatively, you could use tidyr::hoist() and "lift" out what you want from that nested list column, drop it, and then perform the pivot longer operation.

This is a nice vignette on rectangling with tidyr.

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Have you tried using any specific R packages, such as jsonlite, tidyjson, or httr, to convert the JSON file into a data frame? If so, were there any issues or challenges with them?

Hi @nickfreedy,

A result close to a df was obtained using the following, after fetching the information with the API:

# the script of example


# Connection data
url <- "https://api...."  
access_token <- "key_token"        

origin_url <- ""

# POST request body

body <- list(
  d = "ASC",
  s = "createdDate")

response <- POST(url,
  add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", access_token),
              Origin = origin_url),
  body = body,
  encode = "json") 

# response status
status_code(response) # 200


json_text <- content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")

# Convert JSON text to a list
json_list <- fromJSON(json_text, flatten = TRUE)

df_main <- json_list$content

df_main <- df_main %>%
  mutate(accessionIds = map_chr(body.accessionIds, ~ paste(.x, collapse = ", ")))

df_expanded <- df_main %>%
  unnest(cols = c(body.accessionIds))
