How not to render a Python notebook (.ipynb) in Quarto, but still move it to output folder

How not to render a Python notebook (.ipynb) in Quarto, but still move it to the output folder (e.g., output-dir: docs) when rendering my website. I tried adding the below in the _quarto.yml file, but then the Python notebooks (in fact, in my case, R notebook in .ipynb format) aren't copied to the output folder anymore (docs folder in my case), so I have to do it manually, which is inconvenient. Thanks.

    - "*.qmd"
    - "!*.ipynb"

Update: I guess this is perhaps related to this github issue, Render does not move companion files to output directory · Issue #2329 · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · GitHub ( Render does not move companion files to output directory). I referred to my .ipynb notebooks in the index.qmd file using RMarkdown, but those notebooks are not copied to the output folder if excluding them for rendering.

Did you try the resources key which you can use when auto detection fails ?

How are you refering to them inside the document ? It would be worth understanding why the auto dectection failed :thinking:

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