How not to render a Python notebook (.ipynb) in Quarto, but still move it to the output folder (e.g., output-dir: docs) when rendering my website. I tried adding the below in the _quarto.yml file, but then the Python notebooks (in fact, in my case, R notebook in .ipynb format) aren't copied to the output folder anymore (docs folder in my case), so I have to do it manually, which is inconvenient. Thanks.
- "*.qmd"
- "!*.ipynb"
Update: I guess this is perhaps related to this github issue, Render does not move companion files to output directory · Issue #2329 · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · GitHub ( Render does not move companion files to output directory). I referred to my .ipynb notebooks in the index.qmd file using RMarkdown, but those notebooks are not copied to the output folder if excluding them for rendering.