How filter a SpatVector according with specific longitude value?

Hi community, I have an object SpatVector and I want to filter the coordinates less than lon -75.84.
I am trying the following code and I don't get good result, because I get a numeric(0) object.

filtered_raster <- rast(filtered_raster)
> filtered_raster
 #class       : SpatVector 
 #geometry    : polygons 
 #dimensions  : 2101808, 1  (geometries, attributes)
 #extent      : -74.69778, -73.7997, 3.92994, 5.439994  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
 #coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
 #names       : layer
 #type        : <int>
 #values      :  1506
 #              1510
 #              1515

long_min <- -75.84  
coords <- geom(filtered_raster)
#      geom  part         x        y       hole
#      [1,]    1     1 -76.36755 4.160056    0
#      [2,]    1     1 -76.36755 4.159885    0
#      [3,]    1     1 -76.36738 4.159885    0
#      [4,]    1     1 -76.36738 4.160056    0

geometry_ids <- unique(coords[coords[, "x"] <= long_min, "geom"])

#coords[, "x"]
#   [1] -76.36755 -76.36755 -76.36738 -76.36738 -76.36755 -75.96825 -75.96825 -75.96807
#   [9] -75.96807 -75.96825 -76.36738 -76.36738 -76.36721 -76.36721 -76.36738 -76.02656
#  [17] -76.02656 -76.02639 -76.02639 -76.02656 -75.95984 -75.95984 -75.95967 -75.95967

filtered_left <- filtered_raster2[geometry_ids, ]

In this image Im want get only the green polygon.

Any ideas?