How does the pointsize argument work in ggiraph::girafe?

How does the pointsize argument work in ggiraph::girafe?

Reading the help, it looks like this is the way to set the font size in the html output. However it doesn't seem to do anything in my code??


p <- penguins |>
  mutate(id = row_number()) |> 
  ggplot() +
      x = flipper_length_mm,
      y = body_mass_g,
      tooltip = glue::glue("{species}
                           {flipper_length_mm} mm
                           {body_mass_g} g"
      data_id = id
    size = 1)

# girafe(ggobj = p, 
#        width_svg = 6, 
#        height_svg = 3.5, 
# )

# girafe(ggobj = p, 
#        width_svg = 6, 
#        height_svg = 3.5, 
#        pointsize = 5
# )

Created on 2024-03-13 with reprex v2.1.0

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