Hi, I have a list of 8 items and each one has it's own sub-list, I want to have 4 items on the left side and the other 4 on the right side to save some space. I already tried few thing but none of them work as they should.
I tried this - doesn't work, throws a error about longtable not being in 1-column mode.
And latex package "Parallel" also doesn't work as I would like to. If you put md list inside it, it remains as a normal text i.e. doesn't convert to {\LaTeX}
*A note, I'm note using R Studio, I'm using (Neo)Vim and compiling rmd by running this Rscript -e "require(rmarkdown); rmarkdown::render('file.rmd', quite=TRUE)" but as far as I know it shouldn't affect anything
This S/O post may be helpful. It takes advantage of features in a slide presentation template. I've done this with a combination of xtable, Haskell and \LaTeX, but that's not for the fainthearted (it took me a few weeks).
That post really isn't that helpful tbh. It's more about html and beamer but I need it for a simple pdf. I found a possible "workaround" by not using R Markdown, but by using the markdown package for {\LaTeX}, which in short allows you to use md in {\LaTeX} documents