How do you install Quarto extensions in RStudio on Windows?

I'm trying to install extensions for Quarto presentations (for example, the illinois-revealjs extension) inside of RStudio. My computer runs Windows 11.

I tried using the documentation Quarto - Managing Extensions

and Quarto - Revealjs Plugins

and also following the instructions from the extension's GitHub. (I'd put the link in here but as a new user the forum rules won't let me)

I also tried looking for any info on RStudio and its GitHub page but struck out there -- I think someone over there actually asked the same question a while ago and got no responses.

After trying all of the above, I think it successfully downloaded the extension, but when I try to run

title: "title"
author: "me"
    chalkboard: true
editor: visual


I get the error message

ERROR: Unable to read the extension 'illinois'.
Please ensure that you provided the correct id and that the extension is installed.

Stack trace:
Please ensure that you provided the correct id and that the extension is installed.
    at loadExtension (file:///C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Programs/Quarto/bin/quarto.js:42097:15)

and the ... just covers up a bunch of other very similar lines.

However, when I set illinois-revealjs to just revealjs then it renders.

Anyone have guidance on how to do the installation / use inside of RStudio? Thanks! :slight_smile:

This was reported in Installing Extensions in RStudio · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussion #7851 · GitHub and solved in Installing Extensions in RStudio · quarto-dev/quarto-cli · Discussion #7851 · GitHub and also upstream at docs(readme): update owner and repo name by mcanouil · Pull Request #1 · coatless-quarto/illinois-revealjs · GitHub

So it should work fine now.

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