I have a table with 500,000 rows. I would like to be able to use the shinyapps data table to search the table, and then download the result of the search. I was able to get the download button to work, but even after using the search function to filter the data, I'm still given the full set of data when I click download. I'm reading through a few guides, including mastering shiny, but can't seem to find any tips or instructions to include this feature. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your response. This works with the selectInput filter, but is there a way to also filter with the renderDataTable search feature like below?
I was able to set up a search input that updates datasetInput1. One minor issue I'm experiencing is the filter is on by default. I'm wanting to conditionally filter the data only if text is entered into the search input.
So far I've tried writing a conditional if statement that does this but I can't seem to get it to work. Any ideas?
I have added some packages that you missed, and also presented some options that work with this dataset. Not sure how they will play with your real data though:
# the options:
#1 filter(str_detect(Species, fixed(input$Species, ignore_case=TRUE))) # starts with nothing
#2 filter(str_detect(Species, str_to_lower(input$Species))) # starts with all data - converts to lower, which matches the data
library(tidyverse) # changed
library(DT) # added
df <- iris
df$Species <- as.character(df$Species)
#shiny server ui
ui <- fluidPage(
downloadButton("download", "Download .csv"),
searchInput(inputId = "Species",
label = "Species filter",
btnSearch = icon("search"),
btnReset = icon("remove"),
width = "75%"
#shiny server back end
server <- function(input, output, session) {
datasetInput1 <- reactive({
reactivedata <- df
if (is.character(input$Species)) {
reactivedata <- reactivedata %>%
# filter(str_detect(Species, fixed(input$Species, ignore_case=TRUE))) # starts with nothing
filter(str_detect(Species, str_to_lower(input$Species))) # starts with all data - converts to lower, which matches the data
reactivedata <- reactivedata
output$df <- renderDT({
datatable(datasetInput1(), rownames = TRUE, options = list(dom = 'p', ordering = T))
output$download <- downloadHandler(
filename = "report.csv",
content = function(file) {
write.csv(datasetInput1(), file)
#run shiny server
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thanks again with your help with this. This works on the iris data but not on the data I'm working with since the characters I'm working with aren't all lowercase. I suppose I can mutate everything to lower. I'll keep playing around with it to see if anything else works. Any other ideas you may have would be greatly appreciated as well.