I have recently updated RStudio to version 1.3.959 (from RStudio website), however, on opening RStudion it still says R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) -- "Great Truth". Does anyone know how I get version 3.6 or higher as some packages no longer work in 3.5.3?
can't you download the new version from here: https://cran.r-project.org/? It should install R 4.0.0 and then RStudio should start using this version. You can also uninstall the previous version. Please note that because R 4.0.0 is a major update, you will have to reinstall packages.
You can also use package installr to install the newest version of R. Package is on CRAN: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/installr/index.html
You are looking for "updateR()" function. However, when you use updateR() in RStudio, you will see the advise to do this outside the RStudio. It will be the best to open RGUI and there use "updateR()".