I'm running a licensed RStudio workbench server. I have a few users who can't login. They are seeing the following error: "Error: The user limit for this license has been reached, or you are not allowed access". /var/log/syslog shows "Warning User 'username' is locked or there is no license available". Most users can login, even accounts have been freshly created on the server. The dashboard shows that I have only used 1/4th my possible user count. The command "rstudio-server list-users | grep problematicUserName" lists the user as Inactive and not an admin. Users who are Inactive are seeing the user limit error. All "Active" accounts can login just fine; users who aren't listed, can login, and then show up as active.
Using rstudio-server, I can lock the user account, unlocking still returns the setting of Inactive.
How do I remove that setting? Or how do I remove the user in a way that they can be re-added?
-Mike Tie (Carleton College)