How do I make an ad hoc smoothing parameter in the Adehabitat HR package?

Hi guys, I am new here and I have no idea in which category to put this.

I am doing my master thesis about home ranges, and the datas I am using come from GPS points of 8 different individuals.

I am using the package adehabitatHR, and I used the smoothing parameter h=href at first. It gives me huge, circular home ranges. A friend told me I can change the smoothing parameter to a fraction of href (0.8*href for instance) to fit my data better.

However, I have no idea to do that.

Here is my original script:


Calcul des domaines vitaux des Micromys de Greny, Automne 2017

Utilisation de la methode kernel

Fixed kernel with Href smoothing, grid = 80 and extent = 2, contour level = 80%


Packages utiles: sp/rgeos/maptools pour graphique et adehabitatHR pour DV


Dossier de travail

setwd("C:/Users/Fanny/Documents/ArcGIS/Master_thesis/RStudio/Coordonnées RStudio/Lambert veg")

Fichier des localisations

loc <- read_excel("C:/Users/Fanny/Documents/ArcGIS/Master_thesis/RStudio/Coordonnées RStudio/Lambert veg/Radiotracking_all.xlsx")

Transformation en format SpatialPoints pour pouvoir utiliser les fonction de adehabitatHR

Attention adapter les numeros de colonne en fonction du tableau !

coor <- loc[,c(8,9)]
coordinates(loc) <- coor

Choosing the smoothing paremeter method : h="href" => reference de bandwidth


Grid Initialisation to estimate the utilization distribution (UD)

Grid resolution

grid = 200

Taille de la grille

extent = 2

Estimation of the UD : the surface is in m2 (Remember that the first column of the component "loc" of this dataset contains the identity of the animals)

kud <- kernelUD(loc[,3], h, grid,extent)

Estimation du DV Ã partir de l'UD

Choosing the threshold probability

hrs <- kernel.area(kud, percent=seq(50, 95, by=5), unin = "m", unout= "m2")
seuil = 80

Estimation sous forme de couche vectorielle

dv <- getverticeshr(kud, percent = seuil, unin = "m", unout="m2")


Export DV

writePolyShape(dv, paste("dv_kernel_all","",h,"",seuil))

Export des DV en csv

write.table(, paste("dv_kernel_all","_",h,".csv"), row.names=FALSE, sep=";",dec=",", na=" ")

Here are some information my friend gave me but I have no idea how to apply them:

to calculate each hrefs (?):
hrefs <- c(785.0429, 638.4495, 774.7266, 870.8454, 1009.547, 1239.997)
hrefs0.9 <- hrefs0.9
hrefs0.8 <- hrefs
hrefs0.7 <- hrefs0.7
hrefs0.6 <- hrefs
hrefs0.5 <- hrefs0.5
hrefs0.4 <- hrefs
hrefs0.3 <- hrefs0.3
hrefs0.2 <- hrefs
hrefs0.1 <- hrefs*0.1

To precise which individual (?):
al_kud_adhoc5 <- kernelUD(Alto, h=hrefs0.5[1], same4all=TRUE)

Can anyone help me?
Thank you

Could you please turn this into a self-contained reprex (short for minimal reproducible example)? It will help us help you if we can be sure we're all working with/looking at the same stuff.

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# install.packages("devtools")

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reprex::reprex(input = "fruits_stringdist.R", outfile = "")

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Thank you for the answer, I really tried, but I didn't manage to use reprex.