Hi, Im trying to work with the zillow api for the first time:
I was able to find my desired output for one address if I manually typed it:
set_zillow_web_service_id("X1-ZWz17seirkzuh7_93aho")xml <- GetDeepSearchResults(address='600 S. Quail Ct.', citystatezip ='67114',
rentzestimate=FALSE)dat <- unlist(xml)
str(dat)dat <- as.data.frame(dat)
dat <- gsub("text","", dat$dat)head(dat, 20)
I have a dataset(house) in csv which has a list of all necessary parameters like state,zip,address.
AccountId Street City State ZipCode abcFactorPct swfFactorPct ZipHhIncome ZipPctAdvDegree
1 465xyz 5b9 Ventura Ct Suisun City CA 94585 0.8 2.75 70491 0.04138845
2 4505ab 20235 North Cave Creek Rd Phoenix AZ 85024 0.9 2.50 68557 0.12165522
3 4854lm 371 50th Street Oakland CA 94609 0.8 2.75 67827 0.22325981
I want to get information for all rows of data in this dataframe. How can I do the same in R?