How do I include my code and plots in a PDF file created by R markdown?

Hello, I have written codes that makes plot of different dists. I want the PDF file to include my codes . How can I do that? My code is in the comment section.


liste = c(29.59, 29.23, 31.05, 17.43, 31.27, 23.79, 36.49, 40.09)

#posterior hyperparametere

k0 = 0
S0 = 0
C0 = 0
n = 8 #viktig faktor

k1 = k0  + n
k1 #k1 verdi

S1 = S0 + sum(liste)

C1 = C0 + sum(liste^2)

v1 = -1 + n

m = S1/k1 #mean

SS1 = C1 - k1 * m^2

s1 = sqrt(SS1/v1)

#posterior values

xVals = seq(0,0.1,0.001)
yVals = dgamma(xVals,v1/2,SS1/2)
plot(xVals,yVals,type = "l", col = "red")

xVals1 = seq(0,50,0.01)
yVals1 = dt.scaled(xVals1, v1 , m , s1 * sqrt(1/k1))
plot(xVals1, yVals1 , type = "l", col = "blue")
s1 * sqrt(1/k1)
xVals2 = seq(0,50,0.01) 
yVals2 = dt.scaled(xVals1, v1 , m , s1 * sqrt(1+1/k1))
plot(xVals1, yVals2 , type = "l", col = "blue")
s1 * sqrt(1+1/k1)

#II P(X+ < 18 ) #oppgavene varier
pt.scaled(18, v1 , m , s1 * sqrt(1+1/k1))
# P(X+ < 18 ) = 0.0772085

#III svarveien #oppgavenen varierer #gjort noe feil
sd = sd(liste)
m = m

#putter tallene i normalfordelingen
yVals4 = dnorm(xVals2, m , sd)
plot(xVals2,yVals4,type = "l", col = "green", main = "Snarvei(normal) er grønn og X+ er rød")
lines(xVals2, yVals2,type = "l", col = "red")

# ingen kommentar

#IV #hypotesetest referanse punkt

# H1: X+ > 18
# H0 : ≤ X+ 18

pt.scaled(18,v1,m,s1 * sqrt(1+1/k1))

# 0.0772 > 0.05
#forkaster ikke H0 i fordel for H1



# 0.04519901 < 0.05
#forkaster H0 til fordel for H1

If you are not familiar with R Markdown yet, you can start by here to get a quick tutorial and overview: Introduction

You'll find plenty other resources only to start with R Makrdown.

Once you'll have a working document mixing your text, and your code, you'll be able to render to an output format. If you encounter issue, you can come back here and share your struggle.

Hope it helps

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