how create switch table

I'm trying to generate multiple tables in the same directory as they have the same hierarchy, so I'm trying to make it toggle-enabled. But I didn't find the R package. serr package I found he can only implement switching images, is there a similar serr package for switching tables?

datatable(iris, extensions = 'Buttons', 
          options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip',fixedHeader = TRUE,scrollX = TRUE, 
                          buttons = c('colvis')))
datatable(Titanic, extensions = 'Buttons', 
          options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip',fixedHeader = TRUE,scrollX = TRUE, 
                          buttons = c('colvis')))

Here is an example of the selr package

sel_id = "Dataset",
options = list("Option_1" = "iris",
               "Option_2" = "mtcars",
               "Option_3" = "US Arrests")
sel_id = "Dataset",
options = list("Option_1" = "Plots/Iris.png",
               "Option_2" = "Plots/mtcars.png",
               "Option_3" = "Plots/US Arrests.png")