How can I use a starred version of a LaTeX environment with

In an R Markdown document with LaTeX output, I can use custom blocks for a LaTeX environment.

:::{.multicols data-latex="{2}"}
Lorem ipsum

The LaTeX output will be:

Lorem ipsum

Some LaTeX environments have a version with an asterisk, and I want it to use multicols* instead of multicols. I tried the following:

:::{.multicols* data-latex="{2}"}
Lorem ipsum

But that resulted in this LaTeX output:

:::\{.multicols* data-latex=``\{2\}''\}
Lorem ipsum

The problem is that it is being escaped. I do not want that. I want this:

Lorem ipsum

I think this is a missing feature from our LaTeX environment support in rmarkdown.

You should open a new feature request in R Markdown.

I don't think Pandoc will support the * in the class name, but we can add an attribute maybe like starred=true or another class .starred so that we know when to add this

:::{.multicols .starred data-latex="{2}"}
Lorem ipsum

For now workaround is to use raw latex

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I created an issue in the R Markdown repository: [FR] Starred LaTeX environment with custom blocks · Issue #2427 · rstudio/rmarkdown · GitHub


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