I uploaded a file too big for excel into rstudio, I'm pretty new at it
It has a column with durations in hh mm ss format, that Rstudio detects as class "hms" "difftime"
I can't use period_to_seconds because I get this error
trying to get slot "minute" from an object (class "hms") that is not an S4 object
And if I try to create a new column called duration with that info in seconds, using this
q2$duration <- as.numeric(difftime(q2$2nd_day,q2$1st_day))
I get this error Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) : **
** character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
2nd_day and 1st_day have info in ymd_hms format, but if I use class on it it tells me "character"
Anybody has an idea on how to solve this? I'm a bit stuck Thanks to everybody