I've made a graph of mean cover of different species in 3 different areas with the inclusion of one species (y) and exclusion of the same species (n) on different graphhs. however I'm struggling to place the two graphs of y and n together in Rstudio for comparison
site bartsia species cover
Heathland Y Empetrum nigrum 80
Heathland Y Vaccinium vitis-idaea 0
Heathland Y Vaccinium uliginosum 15
Heathland Y Adromeda polifolia 20
Heathland Y Sphagnum 0
Heathland Y Salix herbacea 0
Heathland Y Lichen sprigy 5
Heathland Y Lichen flat 20
Heathland Y Penguicula 0
Heathland Y Betula nana 20
Heathland N Empetrum nigrum 50
Heathland N Vaccinium vitis-idaea 0
Heathland N Vaccinium uliginosum 30
Heathland N Adromeda polifolia 35
Heathland N Sphagnum 20
Heathland N Salix herbacea 0
Heathland N Lichen sprigy 20
Heathland N Lichen flat 0
Heathland N Penguicula 0
Heathland N Betula nana 0
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